Featured Runner

The intent of this section is to shine a light on the local running scene, and to share the wisdom that already exists in Lloydminster’s vibrant running community. 

Featured Runners will be updated periodically and showcase runners of various experience and skill level.  If you would like to suggest a runner or volunteer yourself please contact us here.

Lloydminster Runner Kathlene Canar

Bio: 31 yrs old, I have a 3 year old son named Kalil and Sam is my husband whom are so crazy supportive in my running journey!. I work for the City of Lloydminster as an Administrative Assistant. I do not have any other hobby, not an athletic person at all and I never imagined in my life that I will be running or racing. Sam and I came to Canada in 2011 from the Philippines. My day starts at 4:30 am and ends usually 9pm. My fave time to run is in the morning before going to work with just coffee in my belly! 

How many years have you been running? Just over a year, I have officially started/committed into running in April of 2019.

How many KM per week do you run? Thanks to the running monthly challenge, I average from 30-32 km per week.

What is your favorite distance?   My fave race distance would be the half marathon, not crazy long but steady. I am slowly working my way to a Marathon distance, hoping one day I can race one.

Do you have any upcoming races? Haven’t signed up yet but will be doing the Titanium Half Marathon Virtual this year, and Stronger for Her 5K virtual, both in June!. Schedule dependent, I may signed up for more. Same approach for year 2021, race if schedule will allow, but the 2021 Titanium for sure!

What got you into running? For so many years, I struggled to manage my weight due to a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome or commonly known as PCOS.  I have been trying to find that happy medium form of exercise in which I can do on my own and in my own time. In early 2019, during my lunch break while on a treadmill looking through a glass window, I see this guy running on the sidewalk thinking “is he crazy? why would someone run outside in winter”. Because I see him at least 3 times a week, I was inspired with his dedication and thought to myself “what if I run outside as well? Will I enjoy it better than just weight lifting and always eating leaves and plain chicken breast?” , and I think that was the light bulb moment. As I was browsing through Facebook that night,  a post pop up about the Titanium Half Marathon and the C25K program. Later that week I decided to sign up for 5K, I was not able to join the C25K due to my schedule but I was still able to build  my way to 5K. I ended up running 7K a week after my 5K race and a half marathon in September all in the same year. I basically caught the running bug and decided that running is my happy medium. Aside from the fact that running has tremendously helped my weight issue, I know that this is something I can sustain and commit to, this is the only exercise that I am able to influence my family and friends. Tip: The person running outside in winter is Brian Stevenson 🙂 

Why do you run today? My main reason for running today is for my health, but it has given me more than what I needed. Aside from maintaining the ability to join races, it clears my mind and it puts me in better perspective. Couple of my friends has also started running already and I am hoping to influence more people along the way.  Bonus! I also like the fact that I get to enjoy my sweets without worrying of gaining extra pounds.

Do you have any advice for people considering taking up running? We may have different reasons why we look into options on how to get fit. If you are considering on taking up running, all I can say is GIVE IT A TRY, put on that running shoes and get out. Aside from the obvious health benefits, there is so much more to running, its not about pace or distance, its more of the community, camaraderie, the inspiration and support is impeccable. The sense of accomplishment in every run will surprise you and will motivate you to do better than today – not just in running but in all aspects of life. I don’t personally know everyone in the running group but I felt like I am part of a big digital/virtual family.  Running has allowed me to discover more about myself so much more made me realized that I am the only limit to myself. 

Do you have any favorite running gear or gear that you would recommend to other runners?  My Garmin running watch and my Rx sunglasses – I hate running with contacts!

Other Featured Lloydminster Runners

Christopher Hemmelgarn

Kim Englot

 If you would like to suggest a runner or volunteer yourself please contact us here.